Opening your eyes to
the invisible
Our infrared polarizers maintain uniformity
in brightness and contrast
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Meet our Optics General Manager, Shaun Ogden, and learn how Moxtek’s advanced optical solutions—from high-performance polarizers to cutting-edge metasurfaces—can power your next innovation. Discover how we’re shaping the future of optics!
Pioneering durable, high-performance nano-wire grid polarizers covering UV-VIS-IR applications. Click below to learn more about any of our optics products.
Our visible polarizers are inorganic, heat tolerant, accept wide angles of incidence, and have high transmission and contrast.
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Metalens Foundry Service Moxtek manufactures high-performance metalenses for visible and IR wavelengths. Moxtek offers a full solution, including design, fabrication, measurement, and packaging capabilities. Our metalens design team can optimize the lens design to match custom applications. Our foundry service bridges the gap from research to production by offering prototyping and volume manufacturing.
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ProFlux® ABS series absorptive polarizers are optimized to absorb unwanted RGB light bands, reducing stray light and thermal loading caused by back reflections common in LCD projection displays.
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MOXTEK has been producing nanostructured optical components for over 20 years. We offer high volume wafer replication of various nanostructure devices on Ø200mm wafers.
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Our ProFlux® Ultra Broadband polarizers are optimized to provide uniform polarization over a broad range from 300 nm to more than 4 microns.
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We have added versatility by developing this revolutionary pixelated polarizer. Designed using our Nanowire® Technology, we offer patterned polarizers available for two, three and four-state imaging devices.
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Our Ultraviolet polarizers are used for a wide range of UV applications where performance, contrast, and durability is important. New applications are emerging all the time.
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Moxtek offers polarizers for NIR, MIR, and LWIR applications from 700nm to 15µm optimized for high contrast and transmission.
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Our ProFlux® Beamsplitter Plates are optimized for 45° and can be used for imaging and non-imaging applications for display products and scientific instruments.
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NanoStructure Solutions™ White Paper MOXTEK has been producing functional nanostructured optical components for over 20 years. We offer high volume wafer replication of various nanostructure devices, including: microlens arrays, waveguides, patterned metasurfaces, Diffractive Optical Elements (DOEs), photonics crystals, and biosensor arrays. These devices are used for imaging, illumination, and display systems for a variety of […] View document
ProFlux wire-grid polarizers are made of mirror quality aluminum patterned on glass wafers. The size and structure of the grid makes it very susceptible to physical damage and contamination. Because of the fragile nature of the wire-grid, it is necessary to follow proper handling guidelines. Damage to the wire-grid from mishandling is not covered in […] View document
The wire-grid polarizer is one of the most useful optical components in the field. Potential markets exist in Optical Isolation, Imaging, and Spectroscopic applications in Defense, Security, Forensics, Astronomy, Communications, and Industrial Lasers. View document
ProFlux® Beamsplitter Nanowire® Technology is optimized to operate at 45°, providing durable polarizing beamsplitters. These beamsplitters can be used for a variety of both imaging and non-imaging applications for display products and scientific instruments. View document
Visual Criteria Specification View document
Proprietary nanolithography technology can be used to create nano-structures with critical dimensions. Read more
Combining our expertise in material science, photolithography, etch, and thin films deposition, we can create nanostructures of different compositions. Read more
Moxtek has over 25,000 square feet of cleanroom space equipped with lithographic tools, sputtering tools, and etching tools. Read more
We are experts in nano-etching. Read more
Yes, we do.
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We have products that range from deep UV to long wavelength infrared. Check out the Ultra-Broadband option.
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Inorganic materials (aluminum Nanowires® on glass, fused silica, or silicon substrates).
They filter out one polarization state, and let another through.
We engineer our products to be reliable, even in the harshest environments. Our products are put through rigorous testing to ensure that they are ready wherever you go.View Testing
- ISO 9001:2015
- 41 patents filed, 7 published patents, 62 issued patents
- SID Silver Award - 2001 R&D 100 Award - 2001