Wednesday, 2 July, 2014
Wednesday, 2 July, 2014
Friday, 30 May, 2014
We developed a 5.5 inch, VGA (640×480×RGB), stereoscopic
3D display using a precisely patterned wire-grid polarizer (WGP)
with rows of alternating polarization angle. Such a wire-grid
polarizer is invisible without the polarizer and thus a 2D/3D
convertible display can be formed. The proposed structure is free
of any limitations on both viewing angle and viewing distance
inherent in the conventional stereoscopic displays, whereby
enabling several persons to view stereoscopic image
simultaneously. Because the proposed structure does not use
conventional polarization film of TFT-LCD panel, it can be
manufactured with low-cost.
Friday, 30 May, 2014
Moxtek introduces a flat ProFlux™ wire-grid polarizing beam
splitter for use in projection systems where preservation of image
quality is required upon reflection at the PBS. This paper
discusses advantages obtainable when using the ProFlux™ flat
PBS in projection display architectures, and reasons for these
advantages. Specifically, these advantages include high system
contrast, simplified designs with various LCOS panels, and
inherent high durability.
Friday, 30 May, 2014
Moxtek has developed a new polarizer technology for the
visible spectrum based on the technology of nanometer-scale
wire-grids. They have named their technology ProFlux
Polarizers. (more…)
Friday, 30 May, 2014
Each year the Society awards the Display of the Year Award to several leading edge display devices or technologies that provide
innovative solutions to an information display need. The following paper provides a summary of a 2001 Display of the
Year award recipient. The new polarization technology described here enables new solutions to difficult and fundamental problems in the display industry. It is applicable and valuable in all types of Liquid-Crystal (LC) displays or other applications of polarization in information display technology.
Friday, 30 May, 2014
We studied the optical performance of reflective wire-grid
polarizer designed for visible light. The polarizer reflects Epolarization
and transmits H-polarization with low losses. When
used in a twisted nematic (TN) device as a back polarizer it
enhances the brightness and provides high contrast ratio at wide
viewing angles. By placing the wire-grid polarizer within the cell,
viewing parallax is eliminated. The polarizer can also be used as
the rear electrode.
Thursday, 29 May, 2014
The ProFlux BIR Series Infrared polarizer, designed using Moxtek Nanowire
Technology, provides unparalleled broadband infrared performance. Moxtek’s
high volume production capacity ensures availability and supports high volume
applications. (more…)
Wednesday, 28 May, 2014
Wire-grid polarizers are now available for broadband visible applications. This type of polarizer is very attractive for projection display applications because of its high efficiency, high contrast, and extreme temperature and flux tolerance.
Friday, 25 April, 2014
X-ray spectroscopy applications and equipment are becoming more portable and are entering harsh environments away from controlled clean environments. This results in a need for more robust X-ray components which are able to handle harsh environments. We are measuring the resistance of different X-ray windows produced by Moxtek Inc. to corrosive and harsh environments.