Tuesday, 25 March, 2014
Visible Polarizers
Reflective – PPL, PFU and RCV series
Proflux® reflective polarizers control light and image polarization even in high energy and high temperature applications. These polarizers have high transmission and reflection and are optimized for high contrast or for high efficiency.
Thursday, 27 February, 2014
Infrared Polarizers
BIR Series – NIR to SWIR
BIR series polarizers are designed for the near-wave (NW) & mid-wave (MW) infrared regions from 700nm to 2.5μm. These polarizers are optimized with a high contrast version and a high transmission version. (more…)
Thursday, 27 February, 2014
UV Polarizers
Our Ultraviolet polarizers are used for a wide range of UV and broadband applications where performance, contrast, and durability is important. Our UVT and UVD Series polarizers offer excellent broadband performance into the IR wavelengths. New applications are emerging. (more…)
Thursday, 27 February, 2014
Pixelated Wire-Grid Polarizers
Moxtek has created unique inorganic Pixelated Polarizers using an array of micro-pattered Nanowire® grids.
Thursday, 27 February, 2014
Broadband Polarizer
Our ProFlux® Ultra Broadband polarizers are optimized to provide uniform polarization over a broad range from 300 nm to more than 4 microns. (more…)
Thursday, 27 February, 2014
Wire-Grid Polarizing Beamsplitters
Our ProFlux® wire-grid polarizing beamsplitters are optimized for 45° and can be used for imaging and non-imaging applications for display products and scientific instruments.