An Improved Polarizing Beamsplitter LCOS Projection Display Based on Wire-Grid Polarizers
By Collin Hayward · Core Tech · 30/05/14
Moxtek has developed a new polarizer technology for the
visible spectrum based on the technology of nanometer-scale
wire-grids. They have named their technology ProFlux
Polarizers. These polarizers are extremely durable in the LCOS
and transmissive light valve projector environment. They also
offer very attractive optical performance characteristics as beam
splitters in the imaging path, especially for an LCOS-type system.
However, since they are plate beamsplitters, they are not a direct
replacement for current cube beamsplitters. The proper optical
system architecture based on the Moxtek ProFlux
technology will exhibit significant improvements in image
contrast, contrast uniformity, brightness uniformity, and color
uniformity. This paper compares performance of conventional
beamsplitter cubes with the ProFlux™ beamsplitter. It suggests
optical architectures that favor the characteristics of this new
beamsplitter while avoiding the problems characteristic of a plate
beamsplitter. Test data on polarizers and example system
performance will be presented.