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Monday, 9 June, 2014
Sputter coating is a technique used in many industries to apply a thin layer of material to the surface of another material. (more…)
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Monday, 2 June, 2014
Сложная геометрия и размеры не имеют для нас значения. Мы эксперты в области создания высококачественных вакуумных связей между разнородными материалами. Вот список материалов, в которых мы можем создавать связи: никель, нержавеющая сталь, оксид алюминия, молибден, цирконий и бериллий. (more…)
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Monday, 2 June, 2014
Мы специализируемся на обработке тонких пленок — технологии, широко используемой для придания объемным материалам конкретных оптических или физических характеристик. При разделении двух материалов чрезвычайно целесообразно применение в качестве фильтра тонких пленок. Тонкие пленки нашего производства можно найти в защитных покрытиях, антибликовых покрытиях, заполнителях, барьерах и т. д. (more…)
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Thursday, 23 January, 2014

Design and assembly of micro-electronic hybrid packages including wirebonding, die bonding, bonding, and testing. (more…)

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Friday, 13 December, 2013
We use our proprietary nanolithography to create structures with critical dimensions as small as 18 nanometers. Apply this technology in MEMs, semiconductor processes or other (more…)
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Friday, 13 December, 2013
We work with vacuum levels as low as 1e-10 bar and verify leaks on products as low as 1e-10 bar mbar*L/sec. (more…)
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Friday, 13 December, 2013
Our low-noise, charge-sensitive preamplifiers prepare a small electrical signal for further amplification. Utilizing high gain to boost the signal, this technology is placed close to a detector sensor in order (more…)
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Friday, 13 December, 2013
Moxtek is a pioneer in successfully—and repeatedly—diffusion-bonding 8micron beryllium to various metals and ceramics. We’re proud to have the expertise in handling and joining dissimilar materials (more…)
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Friday, 13 December, 2013
Combining our expertise in material science, photolithography, etch, and thin films deposition, we can create nanostructures of different compositions for a myriad of applications. (more…)
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Friday, 13 December, 2013

Do you need high voltage that meets limited space requirements? We specialize in creating power supplies that operate at voltages up to 80kV—in volumes smaller than a match box that can be powered with a battery. (more…)

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